Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Q-tip's grasshopper ice cream cake

Q-tip's grasshopper ice cream cake.

Q-tip's grasshopper ice cream cake You can have Q-tip's grasshopper ice cream cake using 5 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Q-tip's grasshopper ice cream cake

  1. You need of mint cookie crumble ice cream.
  2. It's of mint oreos.
  3. Prepare of chocolate syrup.
  4. You need of container cool whip.
  5. You need of grasshopper cookies.

Q-tip's grasshopper ice cream cake instructions

  1. in 9×13 pan spread ice cream evenly.
  2. spread crush oreos on top of ice cream.
  3. then drizzle chocolate syrup on top.
  4. spread cool whip on top.
  5. top with crushed grasshopper cookies then drizzle chocolate syrup on top store in freezer.

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