Recipe: Tasty Ice Cream Banana Strawberry Smoothies

Ice Cream Banana Strawberry Smoothies.

Ice Cream Banana Strawberry Smoothies You can have Ice Cream Banana Strawberry Smoothies using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ice Cream Banana Strawberry Smoothies

  1. It's of Banana.
  2. It's of Ice Cream Smoothie (Strawberry Flavour).
  3. You need of vanilla yoghurt.
  4. Prepare of sugar.
  5. Prepare of ice cube.
  6. Prepare of water.

Ice Cream Banana Strawberry Smoothies instructions

  1. Slice the Banana..
  2. Put the Sliced Banana into a blender. Then, also put the yoghurt, sugar, ice, & water in..
  3. Set the blender onto smoothies speed..
  4. Pour it into your favourite glass..
  5. Ready to Serve. Drink it, feel the fab of it. ;).

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